♈ Aries Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month for communicating with people, getting social or learning new things. It may be a very busy month but in a good way - lots of events, lots of talks, maybe even some new courses. With Mercury in its sign Gemini you will feel like you can easily get to the people and be understood. When Venus enters Cancer, you will be able to express your emotions and get support from your close ones, especially at home. Do not be afraid to speak what you need. If there was something you wanted to share with your partner, it could be a great time too.
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, take a look at all your accomplishments, especially at work and celebrate them. What about some celebration at home - with family or even by yourself?
♉ Taurus Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about money and your financial needs. If you want to ask for a raise, it can be a great time for that. It can also be a great time for a webinar or share your knowledge about finances. You may even want to discuss that topic with your partner.
Venus in Cancer will support expressing your needs and communicating in a sensitive way. It can be a good time to meet your siblings or do something nice together.
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, look at what you learned or accomplished during the last few weeks and celebrate your growth. You can also make a list of the things you are grateful for.
♊ Gemini Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about you and be sure you will be heard! If there is something you wanted to share with the others, but you were not sure, now it can be the time. With the support of Venus in Cancer you can express your needs or ask for emotional support. You may also want to take care of your finances or decide to use the money to go to the spa or have a massage. Well deserved!
Use the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month to check your progress, how you transformed, how you changed since the last few weeks and what you can be grateful for. You may also feel like you would like to check your earnings.
♋ Cancer Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about your dreams and to listen to what the intuition is telling you. Some secrets can be revealed or you may find out something. Venus in your sign will support you in taking care of yourself and creating your safe space. You are always thinking of the others, time to nourish yourself now. If you are not sure how to do it, rely on your intuition. You may want to spend some time alone or only with the closest ones.
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, take some time to think about your relations with other people. Think also about your work colleagues or business partners. Who are you grateful to have in your life? Is there any relation which seems to be out of balance?
♌ Leo Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about your plans or the places you would like to visit. It could be a great time to start planning your next adventure. The beginning of June can be very social, with a lot of conversations and friends gatherings.
Mid June, when Venus enters Cancer, you may feel like you would need some time alone, to focus on your needs, listen to yourself and to your intuition. Maybe that trip you talked about earlier, can be your solo trip or a secret one?
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, take a look at your habits and routines. Which ones do not serve you anymore? Which ones help you to stay in harmony? Review what to keep and what to release soon.
♍ Virgo Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about your career and what you want to achieve in this area. Do you need any advice about your career development? It is a great time for that. Do you receive some new offer and you are not sure about it? - talk it through with your close ones.
Venus enters Cancer bringing you more deep meetings with your friends. You will see how much they care about you and how much they support you. You will also give them a lot of support. It may also be a great time to follow your dreams. Something beautiful may come out of it.
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, celebrate your inner child. If you feel, use creativity to show your gratitude to yourself and others. You may feel like drawing, painting or writing.
♎ Libra Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about your learning plans. You may want to ask around about some courses for your personal development. It may also be a great time to start planning your vacations or even some short trip. Explore all the options, talk to your travel companion and let the adventure begin.
Venus enters Cancer making you think how you feel in your career, do you have work life balance or maybe you should take care about yourself more. It could be a great month for self - care. The massage you wanted for a long time but there was always something more important - now it is the time.
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, it is a great time to appreciate your family or the home you created. What about a celebration with your close ones (pets included)?
♏ Scorpio Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about taboo and secrets. Is there anything you were afraid to talk about? Now it will be finally easy to let it out. It could also be a great opportunity to talk with your partner about your shared finances.
Venus entering Cancer will make you think about all the beautiful places you wanted to visit. A short trip could be a great idea to spend quality time with your partner and family.
The Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, may make you think about how you feel and how you express that. You do not have to control everything, especially your emotions. If you haven’t been honest about how you feel, this time can give you a great opportunity to share it. If you have difficulties with opening up, start with your siblings. If you do not have any, think of the closest person to you. Once you start, you will see it is not that difficult.
♐ Sagittarius Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about your relationships, either romantic or business or friendly ones. If there is anything you want to change, anything you want to do - talk to your partner/ friend/ business partner and you will see the results.
Venus entering Cancer will make you uncover some secrets/taboo in your relationships. If there is some hidden desire you were afraid to share with your partner, now could be a great time to initiate a conversation about it. Maybe they have one like that too?
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, you may feel like you want to review your income and check your financial stability. You may want to see if you are paid adequately for your hard work. This full moon reminds you that balance is needed between what you do for others and what you for yourself financially.
♑ Capricorn Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about your habits and routines. Is there anything you wanted to try? Ask your friends, they may be able to guide you. It is also a great time to start new healthy habits. Tell your family or friends about it to have some extra motivation to keep going.
Venus enters Cancer making you dreamy and romantic. You will want to take care of your loved ones, supporting and nourishing them. June is a great month to focus on your relationships.
During the Full Moon in your sign Capricorn at the end of the month, make a list of your achievements since the last few weeks and take some time to appreciate yourself and what you accomplished. You deserve it!
♒ Aquarius Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about your business, even if you only dream about it. During some conversations you may get great insights. It is also a great time to spend with your kids or kids in your family. Talk to them and you may learn some interesting things.
Venus entering Cancer will make you focus on your habits, especially when it comes to your health. Is it something you should stop or start doing? Listen to yourself, listen to what your body and mind needs and make it a practice.
During the Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, you may feel like you need some time off. You may want to spend some time alone. It could be a great opportunity to do some inner work, focus on your emotions and needs. It is ok to have quality “me” time, especially after working so hard.
♓ Pisces Sun & Rising
With Mercury moving to Gemini, June is an excellent month to talk about family. Do you want to do some changes in your home? Do you think about starting living with your partner? Use this month to talk about what you want when it comes to family and home.
Venus entering Cancer will bring up your creativity. You may express your love and affection to your close ones in a very creative way. You may also enjoy doing creative things with them. It will help you to strengthen your relationships.
The Full Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month, will make you think about all the dreams you had and have. Appreciate your hard work in achieving the ones which came true. With the ones still remaining dreams, take some time to reflect on what you could do in order to make them become reality. You may also feel called to review your relationships. Are you happy with your friend? Would you like to make new ones?