Natal chart is an unique astrological blueprint, a snapshot of the stars based on the exact day, time, and place you were born. It can tell you about your personality, strengths, challenges, and so much more.
Please note that you need to know your EXACT birth time, date and place to get the accurate reading.
Natal Chart Overview Reading + 1:1 session includes:
- a written report about your natal chart focused on the big 3 in your chart (sun, moon, ascendant), prominent placement of the planets and key aspects
- important transits (movements of the planet) for you
- an online 1:1 session with me (1h, using google meets) where we will discuss your chart, talk about the transits and I will answer your questions. I will send the written report before the session so that you have time to read it
After the purchase you will get the e-mail with the form to fill in the birth time, date and place. If you are most interested in some area of life (e.g. work), you can indicate it also in the form.
It is possible to buy the reading for another person. In that case, please fill in the form with their data.
If you would like to know more about natal charts, please check the post on my blog.
Natal Chart Overview Reading + 1:1 session
The reading will be delivered to your inbox within 10 business days after filling in the form sent to you after purchase . Remember to provide your email at the checkout. The date of the online consultation will be set by e-mail after receiving the horoscope.
Important Notes:
As this guide is customized and contains intellectual property, it is non-refundable. Thank you for valuing the time, energy, and dedication that goes into its creation.
Questions? Reach out via the Contact form - I'm happy to help!